As of Friday, July 25th, the office of Atenveldt's
Rapier Marshal passed
to me. I'd like to extend my thanks to THL Malise
McKendry for his many
years in the post. I'd also like to thank all of his
support staff for
keeping things running so smoothly. The transition to my
care has seen
certain changes in this staff and I wanted to update the
rapier community
about them.
KRM: THL Wyllym MacLeod, mka Bill Lewis
Emergency Deputy: Maitre Wallace le Casse
Estrella War Autocrat deputy: Maitre Wallace le Casse
C&T Deputy: THL Argyle MacPhearson
Youth Deputy: Lady Viola Carrara
Baronial Marshals:
Atenveldt: Lord Sihtric of Baelibeg
Ered Sul: Lady Christiana Stormanita
Mons Tonitrus: Lady Gavin Featherstone
Sun Dragon: Master Michael of Worcester
Twin Moos: Lady Reina Vidales
Tir Ysgithr: THL Maximillian Chance
Authorizing Marshals "At Large":
Barwyn Gwylym ap Tattershall
THL Egan Smilebringer
THL Malise MacKendry
THL John Patrick Robertson
Please contact me off-list if you have any questions.